As I face this final week of the school year, I'm left feeling magnificently relieved and also deeply saddened that the end is near. I have never worked with children that have such high needs both academically and behaviorally, but I have also never loved a group of kids as much as I do these. I have taught these kids important English skills, but the lessons they taught me this year are far more important than any book I had them read or story I had them write. Between taking kids to Friday night movies at school, driving them to school in the morning, teaching them how to cook after school, co-coaching running club, and taking kids out for ice cream on Sunday afternoons, these kids inadvertently taught me that this life is not about me. This life is completely about glorifying God and serving His people each and every day here on this earth. I am busy, and I often feel stressed about all that I must accomplish. It is in the moments when I see children laughing and just being kids that I am reminded to slow down and stop worrying. In these moments, I often think, "So what if I'm tired now? These interactions with these kids are far more important to God's kingdom than the time I might instead spend sitting on my couch. So what if I'm tired now? My time here on earth is pretty short, and I will rest in God's glory when I meet him in eternity." Although this past year I felt stressed far more often than I felt relaxed, I also felt far more fulfilled than I have at any other time in my life. This is not to say that I am without very selfish moments (or days or weeks). My point here is that God is great at reminding me that He is in control, and no matter how tired I may be, as long as I ask, He will always give me the strength and motivation to carry out His good works.
I challenge all of you to sit back and think, "Am I living out a life that pleases God? Am I asking God for the opportunities and strength to carry on His mission?" Trust Him. He will fill you with all things good to the point of overflow when you begin to live out each day in a way that pleases Him.
I challenge all of you to sit back and think, "Am I living out a life that pleases God? Am I asking God for the opportunities and strength to carry on His mission?" Trust Him. He will fill you with all things good to the point of overflow when you begin to live out each day in a way that pleases Him.
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