We, as a generation, as a world, have a difficult time practicing patience. With the ability to change a song as soon as we tire of listening to it, text constantly, check instagram and facebook for instant life updates from our friends and family, bring our emails up on our phone whenever we please, or to binge-watch television series on netflix, we've trained ourselves out of the ability to sit and wait. We expect quick results or an instantaneous response to a text, and we lose hope when we don't get them. Often, the best responses are well-thought out and take time. Because we rush through life, we tend to settle for less than anyone's best, including our own. As Christians, we are supposed to do our best to bring Heaven to earth here and now. How are we supposed to accomplish that task each day if we aren't doing everything we can to strive for the perfection of God Himself? This week, I encourage you to rest; to take some time to sit and be and to do nothing else. And pray. Find quiet time to talk with God. I, too, am guilty of moving through life too quickly, but I am always amazed at how God speaks to me when I actually take the time to just be with Him. Try it this week.
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